Olivin® enthält eine einzigartige Kombination von wasserlöslichen und fettlöslichen, pflanzlichen Antioxidantien wie zum Beispiel aus Oliven. Diese Antioxidantien können dazu beitragen, oxidativen Stress bei Tieren zu reduzieren, der durch verschiedene Faktoren wie Stresssituationen, Ernährungsmängel und pathogene Infektionen verursacht wird. Sie können auch die Gesundheit der Tiere unterstützen:
Asif, M., 2013. International Journal of Herbal Medicine Biological Significance of Seed Oil and Polyphenolic of Olea europaea. International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 1(1), pp.27–40.
Bayram, B. et al., 2012. A diet rich in olive oil phenolics reduces oxidative stress in the heart of SAMP8 mice by induction of Nrf2-dependent gene expression. Rejuvenation research, 15(1), pp.71–81.
Benavente-garcõâa, O. et al., 2000. Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L . leaves. Food Chemistry, 68, pp.457–462.
Covas et al., 2006. Annals of Internal Medicine Article The Effect of Polyphenols in Olive Oil on Heart Disease Risk Factors. Annals of Internal Medicien, 145, pp.333–341.
Khaliq, A. et al., 2015. Antioxidant activities and phenolic composition of Olive ( Olea europaea ) leaves. , 21(1), pp.16–21.
Salami, S.A. et al., 2016. Review: In vivo and postmortem effects of feed antioxidants in livestock: a review of the implications on authorization of antioxidant feed additives. Animal, pp.1–16.
Asif, M., 2013. International Journal of Herbal Medicine Biological Significance of Seed Oil and Polyphenolic of Olea europaea. International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 1(1), pp.27–40.
Bayram, B. et al., 2012. A diet rich in olive oil phenolics reduces oxidative stress in the heart of SAMP8 mice by induction of Nrf2-dependent gene expression. Rejuvenation research, 15(1), pp.71–81.
Benavente-garcõâa, O. et al., 2000. Antioxidant activity of phenolics extracted from Olea europaea L . leaves. Food Chemistry, 68, pp.457–462.
Covas et al., 2006. Annals of Internal Medicine Article The Effect of Polyphenols in Olive Oil on Heart Disease Risk Factors. Annals of Internal Medicien, 145, pp.333–341.
Khaliq, A. et al., 2015. Antioxidant activities and phenolic composition of Olive ( Olea europaea ) leaves. , 21(1), pp.16–21.
Salami, S.A. et al., 2016. Review: In vivo and postmortem effects of feed antioxidants in livestock: a review of the implications on authorization of antioxidant feed additives. Animal, pp.1–16.
Insgesamt kann Olivin® durch seine antioxidativen Eigenschaften und seine Fähigkeit beitragen, das Tierwachstum zu fördern, zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit und der Qualität tierischer Produkte bei.